You want to get paid

We can help you if you believe someone owes you money. Apply for an order to pay to have your claim determined.

You can apply for an order to pay for most debts between individuals or companies, for example when purchasing goods or services or if you have lent money. Your claim must be about money and the last date for payment must have passed.

You pay a fee

You pay a fee if you apply for our help with an order to pay. Read more about our fees and costs:

Fees and costs

E-service or form

You can use the e-service (in Swedish) or the form (in English). If you prefer the form, fill in the form Application for order to pay/ordinary assistance.

Who can apply via the e-service?

You who are a private individual or a sole trader, can apply via the e-service.

If you are the CEO or a representative with sole right to sign, you can create, sign and submit an application for order to pay.

Representatives who do not have the right to sign for a company name alone can create and edit an application that has not been submitted, if there is someone else at the company who has the sole right to sign.

The e-service is not available to representatives in companies where no one has the sole right to sign.

Get paid: order to pay/ordinairy assistance

You who are a private individual or a sole trader can apply via the e-service or by using a form. Other entrepreneurs can apply using a form. Carefully fill out your application so that you do not need to add anything.

Details about you who are applying

You must fill in:

  • personal identity number and contact details
  • name of your business, if it is the one who wants to be paid
  • details on a representative, if any.

Details about the person you believe must pay

You must fill in:

  • personal identity number or company registration number
  • contact details (email, phone number, entry code, mobile number, employer, etc.)
  • if your claim is directed at multiple people or companies, you can fill in several names and contact details in your application.

Multiple claims in one application

You must fill in:

  • the amount you are claiming (excluding interest and expenses)
  • compensation for interest, if any — until the date of application
  • the due date of the claim, meaning the date on which the claim should have been paid
  • the basis for the claim
    • what the claim is about
    • date or period.

If you have the following information, fill in:

  • place of purchase (store or website)
  • invoice number
  • date when the invoice was sent
  • registration number, ID number
  • brand and other things that make it easy to understand what type of debt it is
  • account, credit, invoice, or notification number (clearly write the type of number you fill in).

Important to describe the claim

Clearly and understandably describe the grounds of your claim so that the person who is supposed to pay (the defendant) understands what the claim is about. It is also important that the claim is clear in order for us to determine whether there are any obstacles to processing your application.

General requirements

  • Avoid abbreviations that are difficult to understand and not widely known.
  • In the grounds, you are not giving instructions on payment.
  • Write the due date in the application (if there are several due dates, you must write these in the grounds if it is not otherwise clear from the application).
  • Do not write different alternative descriptions of the claim. That will make it difficult to understand what the claim is about.

Some examples of what you can write:


"X borrowed SEK 10 000 from me on 1 March 2021. On 1 June 2021, X paid me SEK 2 000. X was supposed to pay the rest of the loan by 31 December 2021. X hasn't paid. X's debt to me is therefore SEK 8 000."


"I felled two birches in X's garden on 5 June 2021. It took two hours. According to agreement, X was supposed to pay SEK 1 000 per hour, a total of SEK x within 30 days of the service being performed. I haven't been paid."


"X rented my summer cottage on Y Road 2 in X-town week 32 in 2021. X was supposed to pay SEK 10 000 by 15 September 2021 at the latest. I haven't been paid."

Claims coming due on an ongoing basis

If the claim comes due on an ongoing basis, for example monthly or quarterly, write the period the claim applies to, for example "November 2021."

If you cannot specify the period, write

  • invoice number
  • date when the invoice was sent
  • due date.

Compensation for interest

In your application, you can request interest for the time up to and including the day you apply to be paid.

The interest can be calculated according to

  • Section 6 of the Interest Act (the Riksbank’s reference rate plus eight percentage points)
  • agreement — if you and the person you have a claim against have signed a contract and agreed on interest.

Calculation of interest on debt (in Swedish)

Compensation for costs

You can claim compensation for costs you've incurred when you've tried to get paid. Examples of costs include the application fee and your own work or the representative's work.

You can find more information on our website.

Fees and costs

Consider enforcement

Now you must consider whether we should collect (enforce) your claim for payment, if the claim is determined.

You must actively notify us if you do not want us to implement (enforce) the decision (verdict). Otherwise, we will do that. You can use the decision as basis for applying for enforcement later on.

Fees for implementing a decision (enforcement)

You can find information about fees and costs on our website.

Fees and costs

Review and sign

Review your application and make any changes. After that, you sign your application using an e-ID or sign the form. Submit the application digitally or by post.

Your orders

You can see information about your orders on My Pages. Log in and select Mina krav mot andra and then Förelägganden.

Orders (in Swedish)

If you need to supplement your application you will receive a letter from us with more information. You can log in to My Pages to supplement your application.

We first send a physical or digital letter (order) to the person you think should pay. The letter can also be sent to a representative, such as a trustee or beneficiary. Anyone with a digital mailbox will receive the letter there.

The letter includes an acknowledgement of receipt that the person or representative must sign and return to us. It is proof that the person has received the letter (been served). They can also log in to My Pages and reply that they have received the letter or call us.

Reminder after ten days

We will send a reminder after ten days if the person does not

  • send the acknowledgement of receipt to us
  • respond via My Pages
  • call us and confirm that they have received the letter.

If the person does not respond after the reminder, we call or visit them at home. If necessary, we also visit the workplace. In addition to the two letters we send, our process servers usually also make three attempts to contact the person to get them to accept the letter. This is done at different times – days, evenings, and weekends.

If we cannot make contact

If we cannot make contact, we can still consider that the person has received the letter. There are two possibilities:

  • Another person agrees to receive the letter, such as an adult in the household or the employer. This is called "surrogate service".
  • We leave the letter in the person's home or at another suitable place after we have
    • attempted to make contact three times within three weeks
    • confirmed that the person lives at their registered address
    • visited the person's workplace
    • attempted to get someone in the household or the employer to accept the letter
    • assessed that the person has absconded or is staying away. This is called "nailing".

We can stop

We can stop our efforts to get the person to receive the letter if

  • we cannot reach the person, despite visits to their home or workplace.
  • no one can confirm that the person lives at their registered address.
  • we assess that the person has moved and cannot find a new address.

You can contact us

We may offer you to be personally responsible for ensuring that the person accepts the letter. This is called service by party. In these cases, you can choose to engage the Swedish Police or a process serving company that does what we call "service by process server".

You can also contact us about the possibility of carrying out service by party.

The person can proceed in different ways

The person or company can proceed in different ways:

  • Pay the entire claim. Then you must withdraw your claim and we will close your case.Send letter or application: Other documents
  • Pay part of the claim. Then you must notify us.
  • Take no action. Then we make a decision (verdict) that says the person must pay.
  • Now you can request that we collect the debt.
  • The person can request that the court reviews the decision (verdict). This is called an application for re-trial. The matter then goes to a court and you must pay a fee. We close the case.
  • Object to the claim. You must then consider whether you want to pursue your case in the court. If the answer is no, we close the case. If the answer is yes, the court takes over the case. You pay a fee to the court.
    Swedish Courts: Pay application fee (in Swedish)

If you think the decision (the verdict) is wrong

You can apply for the court to change the decision (application for re-trial).

What to do

You apply by sending us an email or letter within three weeks from the date of the decision. Write

  • that you want to apply for re-trial to the district court
  • the number of the decision (the verdict)
  • why the decision is incorrect and in what way you want to change it
  • your contact details (name, personal identity number or company registration number, address, phone number).

Sign the application yourself or through a representative. You should also attach documents that you believe prove that the decision should be changed.

We will send your application to the court. The court does not charge a fee when you apply for re-trial.

This happens to your counterpart

Read more about what happens to the one you have a claim against.

Someone wants you to pay

When you apply to get paid, you must consider whether we should collect the debt (enforcement) if the claim is determined. If you do not apply for enforcement now, you can do so later. If you do not take a position, the main rule is that we collect the debt.

Collecting a debt

If your claim is directed at an estate

If the person you believe should pay is deceased, you can pursue your claim against the estate. Then you must supplement your application with one of the following documents:

  • An estate inventory (a list of the properties and debts of the deceased). It must be registered with the Swedish Tax Agency for us to accept it and it must be clear who has the right to represent the estate.
  • An estate notification (replaces estate inventory if the estate lacks assets).
  • A decision on estate administrator (appointed by the district court).

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