You can apply for an order to pay for most debts between individuals or companies, for example when purchasing goods or services or if you have lent money. Your claim must be about money and the last date for payment must have passed.
You pay a fee
You pay a fee if you apply for our help with an order to pay. Read more about our fees and costs:
E-service or form
You can use the e-service (in Swedish) or the form (in English). If you prefer the form, fill in the form Application for order to pay/ordinary assistance.
Who can apply via the e-service?
You who are a private individual or a sole trader, can apply via the e-service.
If you are the CEO or a representative with sole right to sign, you can create, sign and submit an application for order to pay.
Representatives who do not have the right to sign for a company name alone can create and edit an application that has not been submitted, if there is someone else at the company who has the sole right to sign.
The e-service is not available to representatives in companies where no one has the sole right to sign.
Get paid: order to pay/ordinairy assistance