Cases being enforcedCases being enforced
You as applicant can use the e-service Mål som verkställs to keep track of cases you have applied for us to enforce.
You as applicant can use the e-service Mål som verkställs to keep track of cases you have applied for us to enforce.
You can apply for our help in collecting a debt (enforcement) if you have a judgment or a decision (verdict).
You can apply for our help with eviction. If so, you must have a decision (verdict) or a judgment.
You can apply for our help in getting back or removing property, or if someone has done something unlawfully.
Has a court ruled that you are entitled to damages in a criminal case? If you are not paid, you can contact us for help.
You have different possibilities to demand payment if the person who owes you money lives abroad.
Certain conditions must be fulfilled if you want it determined that your claim has a special preferential right.
If you don't get paid, you can get help from us if a court has decided you are entitled to child maintenance.