The Enforcement Authority’s debt restructuring test

Test if you are eligible for debt restructuring with the Enforcement Authority's debt restructuring test. The test is a preliminary estimate of your possibilities. If debt restructuring doesn't seem to be right for you, you will get guidance based on your situation.

If you need support

Regardless of test result, you can contact the municipality's budget and debt advisers if you need help with your finances. It's free of charge and the advisers have a duty of secrecy. You can find information about budget and debt advisers on the Hello Consumer website:

Get help with budget and debt issues

Good to know

The debt restructuring test is for you who are a private individual. The test is a self-assessment and an aid in whether debt restructuring is the right solution to your financial situation.

Note that the result is not a complete assessment, but a preliminary estimate based on your answers. There are questions that are not addressed in the test, such as whether you have received debt restructuring before, if you own assets, or have indebted yourself by taking out loans on behalf of another person.

If the answer to any of these questions is yes, it could affect your possibility to be granted debt restructuring.

Individual assessment

There may also be other situations that cause the test to not work for you. We always conduct an individual review and a full investigation when we receive your application for debt restructuring.

You who are an entrepreneur

If you plan to seek debt restructuring for entrepreneurs, there are additional rules that the test does not take into account.

How the test works

You answer questions about your indebtedness, yourself and your household. The questions are about

  • the reason for your indebtedness
  • income and subsidies, if any
  • expenses
  • number of adults and children in the household
  • the children's residence — do they live in the household full-time or part- time?

We always calculate 30 percent tax on your income and 12 percent interest on your debts.

Meet the requirements

You must meet certain requirements to be granted debt restructuring:

  • You cannot repay your debts for a very long time.
  • Debt restructuring is reasonable, taking into account how your debts have accrued.
  • You must have made an effort to repay the debts.

Please note — you are anonymous

You are anonymous and do not need to provide any personal data to take the test. Your answers are not saved.