When you log in using BankID or Freja e-id+, you will first land on a home page. There you will get an overview of what is most relevant to you. In the To Do field, you can see if you have any case you need to consider and act on.
The same information is also available for you who represent a company.
The e-service My Orders
In the service My Orders, you can
- view the claims you have received (orders)
- respond that you have received the claim – only for private individuals
- consider whether you think the claim is correct or incorrect– applies only to you as
- private individual
- representative with sole right to sign
No electronic ID?
If you do not have a BankID or have questions about Swish — contact your bank. If you do not have a Freja e-id+, you can find information here:
You can also read more about BankID here:
BankID: Contact details for private individuals
If you can do what is stated in the claim
If you have received a claim to pay or do something (order), you must respond, decide, and take action. If the claim is incorrect, you must notify us.
If the claim is correct, you can pay or do what is stated in the claim. Find more information on how to do this here:
You can access the e-service (in Swedish) by logging in using your e-ID.
My orders