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Parental support in case of eviction

Having to leave your home is difficult for the whole family. Often, children have questions they need help answering.

As a parent, you know your children best and how to help them. Even if you don't have all the answers, it may be enough for them to talk about their concerns.

You get a letter with information

When a person is about to be evicted, we send letters with important information. Part of the information consists of parental support on how the parent can support and prepare their child for the move. The parental support consists of an information sheet titled Children also need to know.

Children also need to know

Children have the right to be informed about important events in their lives. Often, they have already understood what is happening in the family, even if no adult has spoken to them directly. It is important for children to be able to ask questions and have things explained.

Information materials for children facing eviction

Information leaflet to help you as a parent talk to your child about the situation and prepare them for the move.

Download the brochure:

Barn behöver också veta (in Swedish) Pdf, 251 kB.

What can you do as a parent?

Even young children can tell when parents and siblings are worried, sad, or angry. Sticking to the children's usual routines can go a long way towards creating a sense of security.

School children and teenagers usually know a lot about what is happening, even if it is not something you talk about at home. They often feel a sense of responsibility and sometimes even guilt. Out of respect for their parents, they avoid talking about their concerns. As a parent, you can help your child understand by explaining what is happening and telling them that the adults are responsible.

What do children usually wonder about?

  • What is happening and why do we have to move?
  • Where will we live now?
  • Do I have to change schools?
  • What happens to my things?
  • What should I tell my friends?

Many adults find it difficult to talk to children about not having enough money or being in debt. But many times, children understand more than adults think. That's why it's important to pay attention and dare to talk about it.

We have produced three films about children living in families where the parents struggle to make ends meet. Watch the films about Maja, Amir, and Vira:

Filmer om barns oro för pengar (in Swedish)

How can you prepare?

Just like adults, children also need time to prepare. Therefore, it is good if the children can say goodbye to friends and neighbours, for example. It can also help the children if they get to help pack their own things. Find out if the children can be somewhere else during the eviction itself.

What do we do?

Many believe that families with children cannot be evicted. This is not true. But many people are working to reduce the number of children affected by an eviction. For example, we work with county administrative boards, municipalities, and landlords to reduce the number of evictions so that more people can stay in their homes.

Adults can call Bris

Adults who want support and guidance on issues related to children can call the Bris adult helpline. Those answering are counsellors with extensive experience in talking to children and parents in difficult life situations. The adult helpline is open for three hours every weekday, between 09.00 and 12.00. Bris can also help you connect with other resources in the community.

Call Bris:

077-150 50 50